Awaken your


We help soulful achievers clarify purpose and come fully alive so they can create aligned, authentic and regenerative impact.

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What is Soulful Impact and How Do We Create It?

Soulful Impact Podcast

Join us as we explore a new definition of impact — a new way of conceiving the legacy of our lives.

Perhaps our greatest impact comes not from attachment to specific outcomes or attempts to control ourselves and the world, but from remembering and embodying the deeper truth inside.

This podcast features rich, vulnerable and inspiring explorations of this terrain with Brooks and his world-class interviewees.

Subscribe on Substack, Spotify, Apple or YouTube.

How We Work

Brooks has pursued self-discovery and positive impact for over a decade. Soulful Impact weaves together the most effective approaches he’s found so far to support others in the same pursuit.

Transformational Coaching

From Conscious Leadership to soul guiding and psychedelic integration, we bring a robust toolset to support you in all aspects of your journey of Soulful Impact.

Develop a more trusting and loving relationship with yourself and life as you cultivate exquisite flow, embody your deepest truth, and make the difference that your soul came here to make.

Vision Quests

We know no better way to help you turn a new page, encounter your soul, and be reborn as your most authentic, empowered and game-changing self than a wilderness-based vision quest.

This work reliably connects you to the deepest truth of who you really are and what specific role you came here to this lifetime to play. It will set you on a path to contribute to the healing of our species and planet in the way that only you can.

Legal Psychedelic Journeys

Psychedelic plant medicine allies, when engaged with reverence and skill, can be astoundingly effective to help us unfold into our most vibrant and visionary selves.

“Ten years of therapy in a day” is no joke. With proper prep and integration, it can actually stick.

We are honored to collaborate with two wise and capable natural allies, cannabis and psilocybin, in ways that fully align with Colorado State Law.

The Five Steps of Soulful Impact

The journey of discovering and embodying your deepest truth is an ever-unfolding one. As far as we can tell, it never stops — it just keeps deepening and expanding.

To help you navigate this mysterious terrain and learn to create soulful impact in your life, we offer The 5-Step Cyclical Practice of Soulful Impact:

  1. Adopt an Empowered Creator Mindset

  2. Turn Toward What You Are Running From

  3. Wake Up To Wholeness

  4. Give Your Gift

  5. Repeat

To learn more about this practice and how to apply it, see our newsletter series: What Is Soulful Impact and How Do We Create It?


We offer transformative individual and group experiences at varying levels of depth and commitment.

In a group format, join us for live online workshops that introduce the process of Soulful Impact, dive deeper through in person group events and retreats, or embark on our deep dive signature Power Awakening Program for a journey into the wilderness and into the depths of your own soul.

We also offer customizable 1:1 transformational experiences to support you wherever you are on your journey.


Fall Ceremony (In Person):
Saturday September 7, 4-8pm
Carbondale, CO

September 10, 11am-12pm MDT
Free Online Workshop

Fall Ceremony (Remote):
Thursday October 3rd, 6-10pm MDT
via Zoom

October 7, 1:30-3pm MDT
Paid Online Workshop

Weekly calls Oct 29 - Dec 17
Arizona Quest Nov 15-22
Additional program dates in 2025

Jan 30 - Feb 2, 2025
Aspen, CO
Details Coming Soon


Power Awakening was, to put it simply, a profoundly beautiful and life-changing experience. Brooks has a huge heart, immense wisdom, and an ability to collaborate with the natural world to create situations where growth, insight, and deep healing can occur. You’ll emerge from this program with this deeper confidence and knowing of who you are, why you’re here, and what’s in deep alignment with the deepest parts of yourself.
— Conlan O'Leary, Writer, Former Founder/CEO
Power Awakening was undeniably LIFE-CHANGING. It felt like an honoring of the wisdom and ways of my ancestors, which led to deep resonance and remembering of who I am. I came home to myself more fully and deeply than I ever thought possible.
— Natalie Domond, Leadership Coach & Personal Liberation Guide
Working with Brooks for one weekend was far more effective than years of therapy. My experience with him fundamentally changed my perspective on life, love, purpose and all my close relationships. Brooks has a unique power to see into your soul & unleash its potential. I feel more myself and more alive after every session with him, and most importantly, I feel awakened to living my fullest life.
— Dave, Entrepreneur & Investor
My retreat with Brooks rocked me in the best way possible. A complete spiritual, physical and emotional journey that helped me be in connection with nature, my fellow humans, and my soul. Brooks’ facilitation was second to none, he’s the perfect guide for someone who wants to go deeper into themselves whilst going deeper into nature.
— Matt Hunter, Executive Coach & Serial Entrepreneur
The magic of Brooks is he has a CEO’s brain and a rabbi’s soul.
— Joe Greenstein, Co-Founder @ Leaders In Tech, Former Founder/CEO @ Flixter