"Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

— Howard Thurman

Who We Are

Soulful Impact is a company offering transformational experiences and services designed to help you a) remember the deeper truth of who you really are and what you came to do in this lifetime, and b) be the being who can live from that place, embody that truth, and give your soul’s gift.

We are also the creators of a podcast and newsletter oriented to the same mission.

But beyond all of that, how we really like to see ourselves is as a community of soulful achievers who are planting the seeds for a movement.

Our mission is to create a more beautiful reality by exploring a new definition of impact.

We’re passionate about the idea that maybe — just perhaps — our greatest potential for making positive impact with our lives comes not from attachment to specific outcomes or attempts to control ourselves and the world, but from remembering and embodying the deeper truth inside.

Our goal with everything we do is to support you in that journey.

We offer vulnerable, rich, thought-provoking and inspiring experiences and content designed to help you come fully alive and create authentic, aligned and regenerative impact by remembering and embodying the deeper truth of who you really are.

We warmly invite you to join us.

Our Philosophy and Approach

We believe that we each came here for a reason: to work to purify and heal certain wounds or afflictions, and through that self healing journey to shine our unique light in the world. By addressing our own inner wounding and darkness, we discover and empower our soul’s natural gifts and positively impact the respective communities to which we belong.

We’re passionate about the multitude of pressing issues facing our species and our planet, and we believe that creating a more beautiful reality on both a personal and collective level happens most effectively through the work of Soulful Impact.

Working with the medicine of Mother Nature, we support the cultivation of embodied and integrated power in the journey of moving from pain to purpose.

Our Team

Brooks weaves together transformational coaching, wilderness-based vision quests, and legal psychedelic journey work to help soulful achievers clarify purpose and come fully alive so they can create authentic, aligned and regenerative impact.

Working closely with the medicine of Mother Nature, Brooks helps us redefine our relationship to that which is greater than ourselves to create tangible, practical shifts in our lives. He helps us move with the flow of life rather than against it, so that we can make the difference our souls came here to make and deeply enjoy the ride.

Founder & Lead Guide

Brooks Barron

Brooks is a certified 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership Coach by the Conscious Leadership Group and a credentialed Mindfulness-Based Psychedelic Guide by The Center for Medicinal Mindfulness. He has apprenticed as a vision quest guide with the Animas Valley Institute, served as a faculty member with Leaders In Tech, and led wilderness-based leadership development expeditions with NOLS. He holds an MBA/MS in Environment & Resources from Stanford and an AB in Public Policy from Princeton.

Brooks lives in Carbondale, CO with his wife Ashley, their young daughter, and a golden retriever named Moose. For more on Brooks’ story, check out Episode #01 of the Soulful Impact Podcast.

Teachers, Mentors, and Inspiration

Teachers & Mentors

Sources of Inspiration

  • Spiritual Teachers: Lao Tzu, Siddhartha Gautama, Jesus Christ, Adyashanti, The 14th Dalai Llama, Eckhart Tolle, Malidoma Patrice Somé, Martin Prechtel, Tara Brach, John Churchill

  • Philosophers & Explorers: Charles Eisenstein, Ken Wilber, Zach Bush, Bayo Akomolafe, Christopher M. Bache

  • Coaches & Guides: Gay and Katie Hendricks, Boyd Varty, Byron Katie, Hale Dwoskin, Jerry Colonna, John Wineland, David Deida, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Quddus Philippe, Tina Asherae Fields, Erik Bengtsson

  • Poets: David Whyte, Mary Oliver, Rumi, John O’Donohue

  • Writers: Dolores LaChapelle, Michael A. Singer, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Gabor Maté, Don Miguel Ruiz, Dennis William Hauck, Tami Lynn Kent

  • Mother Nature and The Great Mystery