For Soulful Impact Programs & Engagements

Conscious Relationship Contract

The language for this contract was created by our mentors at The Conscious Leadership Group. We are grateful to have their permission to use it in our work.

We're thrilled to be working together and we're devoted to integrity in all of our business relationships. We define integrity as energetic wholeness. A common way humans get out of integrity—and leave energy on the table—is by not keeping our agreements. The following are the agreements that we'd like to enter into with you.

1. Responsibility

I/we agree that if we're not getting what we expect, want, or need, we take 100% responsibility for communicating our feelings, stories, and wants at the earliest inkling.

2. Revealing vs Concealing

I/we agree to reveal any withheld stories that have arisen three times, and any withheld feelings, to the other party.

3. Going Direct

I/we agree to not gossip, and instead to directly communicate any concerns, unmet needs, or feelings. 

4. Integrity with Agreements

I/we agree to be in integrity with all agreements that we make going forward, including time agreements, homework, and practice.

5. Financial Integrity

I/we are willing to honor our financial agreements as outlined and established above.

Payment Policies

All Soulful Impact programs and services are non-refundable unless otherwise noted. This includes down payments, installment payments, and full payments.

All Soulful Impact programs and services must be paid for in advance or in agreed upon installments & timelines.

Scholarship rates are determined at the sole discretion of Soulful Impact and may be negotiated individually, with different scholarship applicants receiving different levels of financial support.

Reschedule & Cancellation Policies

1:1 Coaching & Guiding

  • Unless otherwise noted, there are no refunds for 1:1 coaching or guiding work. Unused sessions may expire and will not be refunded.

  • Coaching sessions must be rescheduled at least 48 hours in advance. Missing an appointment without 24 hours notice (except for an emergency) is considered a paid session. If your Soulful Impact coach or guide cancels a session within 24 hours, a make-up session will be added to the roster.

  • Single-day personal retreats or journey work must be rescheduled at least two weeks in advance.

  • Multiple-day retreats or journey work must be rescheduled at least four weeks in advance.

Group Programs & Retreats

  • Unless otherwise noted, there are no refunds for Soulful Impact group programs and retreats.

  • If you are unable to attend due to extenuating circumstances, we will offer you a credit to be applied to a future Soulful Impact program, retreat or 1:1 engagement. In specific cases we may offer a full or partial refund.